These cats adapt very easily to people. They are harmonious cats in any environment they have entered from an early age. They don't misbehave or play practical jokes. They don't have habits like sales and stubbornness. We can call these cats city cats. Closets, TVs...etc. They don't have the habit of jumping on spots. British Shorthair cats also live in harmony with dogs.
British Shorthair cats are very popular because they are easy to care for and get along well with each other. It belongs to the short-haired cat species. The care of the feathers is therefore very easy. You don't have a situation like shedding, very little is experienced. They play games themselves when they are home alone.
They like to stay home alone and never get bored. Therefore, it is one of the most popular and most obsessed cat breeds. They take care of themselves by preening their own feathers. They are responsible cats who can stand on their own two feet.

They are overweight, their features are round and their eyes are large. They are of sound structure and are strong, serious and noble in bearing. The bone structure that makes these cats cute is that they are a little chubby. The chubby structure of these cats is natural, it is not a trait caused by weight gain.
They have a powerful head and a strong chin. The whiskers are pronounced. As a character, they are attached to their owners and want to be close to them. They want to sit and sleep on their owner's lap. They are not active and are good-natured, calm cats. In some cases, they run and play at home. They love children and have a calm structure towards dogs.
They don't like being carried on their laps. They are not cats that need constant attention. If you have children, you can prefer these cats. They do not have a loud and aggressive character. They can be spoiled as long as you let them, they are noble animals and get along very well with children. They are patient animals that don't like spending time on the streets.
They are the ideal cats especially for people who work and live in housing estates. They can live up to 20 years. They are quiet and never meow. These cats shed little. They eat regularly and have a balanced diet. They spend most of their time sleeping.
If you don't have time to brush your cats' teeth regularly, you can brush them once a week. Brush their feathers regularly and remove dead hair. You can bathe them once a week. They rarely bathe pedigree cats. You should trim and groom your cat's nails for your own health.
This makes it easier for your cat to move around. For nail care you can contact the veterinarian. Buy food that is appropriate for your cat's breed. You should give dry food with a high content of vitamins, which prevents hair loss and has beneficial effects. Canned foods are not preferred. You should decide the feeding options under the supervision of veterinarians.
You should have your cat's vaccinations done without interruption. As these cats are house cats, they are not used to being outdoors. Because of this, they can be easily infected as they have a delicate structure. To prevent this, you should have your vaccinations done on the advice of your veterinarian.